Youth Baseball & Softball Player Analytics App

Take the next step to develop your players, your team, and yourself

AnalysisWorks' Player Analytics App puts the power of modern analytics directly into the hands of coaches, parents, and players.

Designed for use on a cell phone or tablet, the Player Analytics App can be used for your own team’s practices and games, scouting players, player tryouts, and even creating analytics about your opposing teams. Simple keypad data entry using your mobile phone enables you to track the performance of teams and players in real time or after an event while watching video playback. Striking graphics and popular statistics allow you to quickly and easily see how your player is performing at fielding, throwing, hitting, base running, and pitching. The analytics are real time and are usable during a game. Individualized training plans can be made based upon the analytics and direct observation to help your players improve their play and meet their performance objectives.

Manage your Team and Players

The Teams List is your gateway to all data collection, analytics, data management, and training plan functions. You will either need to add your team to the app or request access to an existing team.

Clicking on a team name will take you to the main menu. The team you selected is the basis for filtering player information, ensuring that you only have access to your player(s) on your team(s). Likewise, the filter ensures that only approved users have access to your team and player data.

Team info is accessed by the icon to the right of the team name. Team Roster is accessed by the icon to the left of the team name.

Main Menu to access all App Features

Data entry buttons link to forms that you will use to record your players’ performance. There are separate forms for Fielding & Throwing, Hitting, Base Running, and Pitching. ONLY information input using these screens will be available for analysis.

Analytics buttons link to dashboards and reports that provide visualizations and statistics for your player. The analytics are based ONLY on data entered into the app. There are separate dashboards for Fielding, Throwing, Hitting, Running, and Pitching. Additionally, there are report formats that combine all available analytics into dashboards viewable only using a computer monitor.

Training plan buttons link to customized observations and training objectives for your player. These are based upon interpretation of the player analytics.

Fielding and Throwing App Features

The Fielding Data Entry keypad allows you to collect fielding and throwing data real-time. You can collect data by player, by position played, and by type of hit to the player. You can record successful catches and throws as well as errors. Additional buttons allow you to track catches and errors during double plays (DP) and passed balls (PB) while catching. The keypad includes nine buttons in both the fielding and throwing sections that enable you to record the location of the ball for fielding and throwing errors to help identify trends for player development.

The analytics are provided on separate screens for fielding and throwing. Coaches can look at statistics for the entire team or individual players and you can filter the analytics by player, type hit, date, practice or game performance. Selecting the pie chart at any player location will activate a window that shows the location of the ball for all fielding and throwing errors.

Hitting App Features

The Hitting Data Entry keypad allows you to capture hitting performance real-time. You can collect all the data necessary to provide your players with useful and popular hitting statistics to include hit location, type of hit, batting average, on base percentage, strike-out average, hard-hit-ball average, and exit velocity.

The analytics screen provides stunning visualization for hit locations by type of hit as well as all the key metrics necessary to track and develop your players.

Coaches can look at entire team or individual player stats and you can filter the analytics by player, date, and practice or game performance.

Pitching App Features

The Pitching Data Entry keypad allows you to record pitches real-time. Pitches are grouped as fast balls, breaking balls, and off-speed pitches. The strike zone is divided into nine areas to allow precision tracking of pitch location for more developed pitchers or simply use the center strike button for younger players.

The analytics screen provides real-time analytics allow you to fully analyze pitcher performance battling base runners, as well as providing statistics on pitch speed, accuracy, and counts all by pitch type and location.

Coaches can look at entire team or individual player stats and you can filter the analytics by player, date, practice or game performance.

Base Running App Features

The Base Running keypad data entry while watching a game or practice allows you to record steals after dropped third strike, steals/caught stealing, and pick-offs for each base, runs scored, as well as base running times for any number of bases you choose.

The analytics screen uses stunning visualizations and statistics for number of steals, times caught stealing, pick-offs, runs scored and base running average time.

Coaches can look at entire team or individual player stats and you can filter the analytics by date, practice, or game performance.

Comprehensive Team & Player Reports

The player report screen brings all your team and players’ analytics onto one dashboard, providing a comprehensive visualization of your team and player performance. The app allows you to see your player performance over any time frame you choose.

Team & Player Trends Reports

The trends report screen brings key analytics onto one dashboard, providing a visualization of your team and player performance over a 3-month period. The report enables you to identify positive, neutral, and negative trends in your team and player performance.

Player Training Plans & Reports

Based upon the analytics and direct observation you can create and manage individualized training plans to help your players improve their play and meet their performance objectives.

Coaches can produce training reports that detail all active and completed training plans for their players and teams.


Demonstrations for all Player Analytics App features.